My name is Gordon Paustian and this is my blog created in tandem with my OLP course through Idaho State University. If you've found this blog and weren't looking for it, congratulations! You may or may not find something useful for what you're looking for. I will be posting to this blog and replying back and receiving comments from my other classmates in this course as we work in these blogs through the semester and hope that if you found this one interesting then you can do the same with theirs.
I will be writing posts here about technology and it's uses in education or ways to communicate and share ideas across an organization or in the public domain. During this semester this blog will help me gather ideas and thoughts on uses for different aspects of education and the sharing of ideas. I will also be using some of what I share here in my personal and professional life, so as I continue to work through this semester I will be sure to let you know of things I have ended up taking with me outside of the course and applying to a real world example.
Thank you for your time!
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